I’ve had a tumultuous (love that word!) two weeks. The conflict has been with myself and I can happily report that it is resolved now. The path to inner peace, however, was a real gift that enabled me to learn a bit more about myself. What happens if mindfulness causes mind-unrest?

It’s great to be back in the driver’s seat again. Thanks so much for your patience while I took some time out to attend to other business matters. I’ve had two profound realisations while I have been off doing other things – (1); I’m getting older, (2); I’ve learned more in my life time than I had realised. In fact, I almost titled this post – “Thank God for Middle Age”.
I think R U OK day? is a fantastic initiative. Born from sad origins, I’d like to think a day like today has helped many people to survive life, and countless others an opportunity to reach out. Connections are the essence of life… (more…)
Have you ever found yourself struggling to make a decision about your life? Ever stayed awake at night feeling stuck? There may well be three little triggers affecting your ablity to reach an outcome… (more…)
I’ve had lots of conversations this week. Lots of time to reflect and lots of chances to talk differently. I know, not just from this week, but from a sense of self-awakening that my best conversations happen when I’m stripped bare. (more…)
Ever had one of those days where things are pretty normal yet you just feel a bit “off”? Where something inside is niggling you and despite your best efforts to ignore it, it always seems to resurface throughout the day? You just can’t put your finger on it… (more…)
I’ve just come back from an incredible weekend away with my husband. We both have facilitation and people-development backgrounds so once a year we try to get away to spend a weekend on our own self-development. It’s always an invigorating experience. (more…)
I’ve done everything I have been instructed to do. I’ve spent hours thinking about it. I even considered going to a group session to discuss it. It’s now time to face it… (more…)
Ooohhh, we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t all love some steamy passion every once in a while. It heightens our senses, gets the blood pumping and puts us into to high gear… (more…)
There’s a lot of pain and suffering in the world right now. A lot of people hurting each other and it’s easy to feel sad about the state of our tiny planet. It’s even easier to feel angry at others (more…)