Celebrating a good clause…

It has been a frantic week this week…I’m heading off on a Christmas holiday with my family, and for the first time ever we’ll be experiencing a white Christmas (hopefully!). This may well be my last post until a couple of weeks into the New Year. I plan to keep my writing options open during this time – I hope you don’t mind.

I’ve thought about this post for quite some time now, because, as tempting as it is to reflect on the typical feelings we have this time of year, I wanted to take a slightly different route. As I have said so many times before, I now realise that love for others can only happen when I have love for self, so given this is the end of a mammoth year (I am guessing I am not alone in this!), here is what I plan to do…

I am going to take myself off to a coffee shop, find a quiet corner and a steaming hot chocolate, open my note pad and list down all the things I have done incredibly well this year. I’m not going to write about what I plan to do next year, or what I have been grateful for this year, I am simply going to remember all the things that I like about myself and all the effort I have put in to live a more fulfilled life. I hope you can find the time to do the same for yourself, and I bet you will have many lines to fill if you take the time to reflect on the year that was.

Enjoy this special time everyone… see you soon xxx.

merry christmas

Leanne Faulkner
An Australian entrepreneur, I share my experience building a business from my kitchen to the world retail stage, and all the lessons I learnt about myself along the way. This is not a start-up guide or business blog, but rather reflections on my personal insights as an entrepreneur and more importantly, as myself. I built a successful skin care company, but realised the gift was never about the soap...the gift was about me. I hope my experience and reflections will benefit others on their life journey. Welcome x
Leanne Faulkner

Leanne Faulkner

Leanne Faulkner

2 Comments on Celebrating a good clause…

  1. vicki
    December 23, 2013 at 5:21 pm (10 months ago)

    Thanks Leanne and Merry Christmas :-)

    • Leanne Faulkner
      December 26, 2013 at 10:17 am (10 months ago)

      Same to you Vicki xx


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